About Sunway University

Sunway University is one of Malaysia's leading private universities with an extensive multi-disciplinary research program, including a number of international research collaborations. The Kuala Lumpur-based university is committed to solving global challenges, particularly in the areas of sustainable development and planetary health.

The challenge

Before adopting OmniStar Ethics, Sunway University found it challenging to quantify exactly how many ethics applications from researchers it evaluated annually.

Researchers filled out soft-copy ethics application forms which they emailed to ethics officers as attachments. Feedback compilation and email responses to ethics officers were done manually. The university’s ethics officers had to devote considerable amounts of time to tracking down missing forms, requesting latest versions and responding to queries about the status of applications. The result was a confusing, non-transparent and inefficient administrative process.

A solution was clearly needed, but it needed to be a solution that supported, streamlined and modernised Sunway University’s existing processes.

OmniStar took time to get to know us before creating a tailored platform. We’ve now got a partnership with OmniStar, rather than a typical client-vendor relationship. This deep level of trust and collaboration means we can leverage each other's strengths to achieve superior long-term outcomes.

Chua Khong Wai Director – Research Management, Sunway University.
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The solution

OmniStar Ethics tailored the system to align with Sunway University’s unique needs, wants and budget. The solution helps to simplify the ethics application, approval and amendment process for both applicants and ethics officers.

The solution allows for sharing and real-time editing of application materials, effectively eliminating lengthy and convoluted email threads among research collaborators. Notifications alert applicants and administrators about next steps and being a centralised system, it securely maintains documents while offering automated version control and tracking capabilities.

Ethics applicants using the public-facing interface have noted that the application process now offers better transparency and a more user-friendly experience. Ethics officers using the admin portal can now focus on the content of applications and decision making, rather than managing paperwork and email chains.

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The outcome

OmniStar’s after-sales support and training has enabled Sunway University to respond to user needs as they change over time. Trained staff with appropriate in-system permissions can make changes to forms and processes, without having to pay redevelopment costs. Additional ethics and research functions can also be added as and when they are needed.

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The level of ongoing customisation and support gives us peace of mind in our investment. We now have a one-stop solution: streamlined processes, great user experience and transparency. There’s no more overwhelming paperwork, worrying about where things are stored or service continuity. It’s seamless.

Cindy Liew Senior Executive, Sunway University
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Why you should try OmniStar

Ongoing configuration and support

The platform responds to user needs over time, without redevelopment costs. Training for selected Sunway University staff enables them to update processes and forms in a controlled manner. Additional ethics and research functions can be added as and when they are needed.


With a tailored solution, Sunway University only pays for the functionality it needs. The public-facing portal allows for unlimited users, rather than pricing on a per-user basis.


Partnership between client and vendor ensures open communication, shared goals, a focus on mutual benefit and a viable long-term solution.

Efficiency and transparency

Applications can be tracked at every stage, with custom reports and dashboards providing status updates. The platform supports centralised records, version control, key decision tracking and standardised processes. This enables seamless application processing, even during times of staff transition.

Automated workflows

Users receive automated prompts and status notifications, enabling them to navigate the application process with ease. Collaborators can access and update application materials in real-time within the system, promoting efficient teamwork.

Compliance law and regulations

The platform is designed to facilitate compliance with relevant laws and regulations. It automatically notifies users of outstanding actions or items, streamlining the compliance process. The centralised system securely stores documents and offers automated version control and tracking features, further enhancing regulatory compliance.

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Soil CRC

Soil CRC implemented OmniStar Grants to boost performance, flexibility, adaptability and engagement.

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NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

DPIE needed a contemporary grants management system to address existing limitations in their grant application, approval and management processes.

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Cancer Institute New South Wales

CINSW selected OmniStar Grants as their innovations platform to administer and manage their research grants program.

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Soil CRC

Soil CRC implemented OmniStar Grants to boost performance, flexibility, adaptability and engagement.

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National Breast Cancer Foundation

The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) was able to streamline its three separate grants management systems into one user-friendly solution using OmniStar.

Ready to book a demo?

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